Healthcare ISO deploys AWS LLM Bedrock to Improve BioMed Efficiency

Macula unlocks operational efficiency with GenAI across 400 BioMed technicians
April 26, 2024

Operational Efficiency from GenAI

Macula, the client Renovo Solutions, and AWS partnered to build a Generative AI/LLM application for field service / BioMeds to use for searching service manuals while in the field working on a diverse set of hospital and life sciences equipment. Key outcome reduced labor hours, standardized maintenance procedures and improved the experience for the users.

The Challenge

Renovo Solutions is a private equity-backed healthcare asset management company. Renovo works with hospitals and research labs to monitor, service, and maintain each organization's inventory of technical equipment, from mechanical scales to MRI scanners to ultrasonic cleaning equipment. The company delivers value to its customers through competitive pricing and unmatched field service from its 400+ BioMeds across the U.S.

As BioMeds work across different sites, equipment types and vendors, and translate error codes in various formats, it became apparent the time savings and use case for GenAI: train an large language model (LLM) on the specific error codes and resolution procedures, making it effortless for a BioMed to get answers instead of searching through hundreds of service manual PDFs.

The Solution

Together with Renovo, Macula and AWS landed on a solution: a AWS LLM built on BedRock and trained on service manual PDFs and integrated into a mobile application already used by the BioMeds in the field. Working with the Renovo training and Quality Assurance team the solution is changing the way field service is done at Renovo.

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